Leg Veins Diagnostics

Do you havea leg soreness? Check your veins!

If you are constantly plagued by swelling and pain in legs and bulging or spider veins on your legs cause emotional discomfort, it is definitely time to visit a phlebologist. If you noticed varicose veins symptoms, you should not linger, because it is important to detect the disease in early stages and begin the treatment promptly. Therefore during the visit of our clinic you will be directed to a duplex sonography - ultrasound examination of veins.

Duplex sonography is a fast, exact, effective and completely painless method of diagnostics, which helps a specialist to choose the most appropriate way of treatment. Moreover, there are situations where the problem can be identified only with duplex sonography, for example when the femoral vein is sick but its branches are not visible on legs.


  • Diagnosis is completely painless.
  • Diagnosis of both legs - only in 10 - 15 minutes.
  • Compiled detailed treatment plan.
  • All costs are known in advance.

Before and After

перед лазерной операции
через месяц после лазерной операции с лазером Biolitec
перед лазерной операции
после лазерной операции


The price of diagnostic procedure of veins begins from 40 euro.

Discover the price of varicose veins treatment


Surgeon, phlebologist, Doctor of Medicine

How does this work?

Diagnostics of veins allows accurately and precisely determine the condition of veins of your legs, which is necessary for further planning of the treatment. Despite the fact that nowadays many clinics offer this procedure, it is important to deal with doctors who are deeply specialized in the diagnostics and treatment of venous diseases. In the Clinic of Phlebology and Laser Medicine of Dr. Maurins the diagnostic procedure of veins with ultrasound is conducted by an experienced doctor - phlebologist, who personally will continue further treatment. The duplex sonography is completely painless and examination of both legs takes only 10 - 15 minutes. After it, the doctor will make a treatment plan, calculate the final cost of treatment and you will definitely know if you need a sclerotherapy or laser treatment of varicose veins.

Frequently asked questions

The price of the diagnostic procedure of veins in the Dr. Maurins Clinic of Phlebology and Laser Medicine starts from 40 euros. Expenses for further treatment will be determined during the first visit. However, you should not expect any surprises, because all prices are known in advance.
Our doctors advise to apply directly to phlebologist. If duplex sonography will show that the cause of such symptoms is not a disease of veins but problems with joints, muscles or nerves, you will be directed to the appropriate specialist.
Staying in a sitting or standing position for a long time, without changing a posture, affects the muscles of the legs – blood circulation disrupts without enough intensive work of muscles. As a result, vein valves cannot fulfill their function, because they do not close to the end. This leads to a stagnation of blood in veins of the legs and their dilation. The feeling of heaviness in legs after a long standing, cramps after physical exercises, nodules of veins - these are just some of the symptoms, which indicate problems with veins. In some situations when a femoral vein is injured, saphenous and perforating veins are not visible on the leg. Therefore, the problem can be identified only with duplex ultrasound examination, which is completelya harmless procedure. So, if you noticed symptoms of varicose veins do not hesitate and immediately contact a doctor to decide what to do next. Often the cause of leg soreness is not a disease of veins but problems with joint, muscular or nerves, which can cause similar pain in legs.
Many social groups are under the risk, for example, people who stay in a sitting or standing position for a long time because of their work, which hampers blood circulation. This leads to a stagnation of blood in veins of the legs and they dilate.

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